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A few things about me.....

I love working with clay because you can create anything you want by taking a natural source and molding it into a piece of art.You can change clay's texture, size, width, height, you can do anything you want with clay. Photography is the complete opposite, you are limited by what's in front of you and you can't show your viewer anything that’s not inside the square that the camera allows you to take a picture of. These two kinds of art create an interesting challenge for me as an artist because everytime I create a piece of art my  goal is to create a story without words.  I want people to “read” my artwork through what they see that right in front of them.


My biggest inspiration for clay is Beth cavener. I love the way she uses animals to create human stories.


For photography my biggest inspiration is Annie Leibovitz. She is known for photographing magazine covers.

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